Tuesday 4-21-20
United in Movement WOD #3
AMRAP in 20:00
Compete Scale
20 HR Push-ups (hand release)
30 Goblet Squats (50,35)
40 HR Push-ups
50 DB Lunges (50,35)
60 HR Push-ups 
70 Single arm Suitcase Deadlifts*(1 DB)
*touch 1 head of the DB to the floor beside you. If you finish this before 20:00, start again!

Move Hard Scale
Same as compete but use any weight.

Just Move Scale
15 Knee or Wall Push-ups 
20 Goblet Squats (any weight)
25 Knee or Wall Push-ups 
30 DB Lunges (any weight)
35 Knee or Wall Push-ups 
40 Single leg unweighted Deadlifts*
*lift one leg behind you, lean over and touch the floor in front of you with one or both hands, stand back up again. Switch legs for next rep.

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