I want to include a note before I post the wods this week. Several of you may know this but it is always good to remind people. Word of mouth is the best way to advertise a good product. It is also the most effective and convincing when people see the differences CrossFit has made in your life. When you tell someone about what you do and they come to our gym, they will surely benefit, but so can you. For every person who signs up and completes the On Ramp program, then continues for at least one month more, you will receive a discount of half off your training fees for one month. This means if you bring in two people every month you can come absolutely free! Let’s share what we know is a good thing and benefit together. Starting next Monday 4-15-13 we will have an advertised week of “Share the Pain”. Bring your friends and family for free to check it out for a whole week. Meanwhile, enjoy this week-it looks fun!


MONDAY 4-8-13

For time:

Row 1000 Meters*

20 GHD Sit-ups

Row 750 Meters

40 Toes to Bar

Row 500 Meters

60 Abmat Sit-ups

*Row this one for the board


TUESDAY 4-9-13

8 Rounds for time:

Run 400 Meters

Rest 90 seconds

*score is total time, except for the last rest.



For time:

10 Shoulder Press (115, 75)*

15 Overhead Squat

20 Push Press

25 Front Squat

30 Push Jerk

35 Back Squat

*use the same weight for all lifts


THURSDAY 4-11-13

CrossFit Games Open 13.5 (modified to:)*



Thrusters (95, 65)


*if you complete this wod in under 4 minutes, do it again in the next 4 minutes, and again in the next 4 minutes…..


FRIDAY 4-12-13

5 Rounds for time:

1 Sled Push down the driveway (with your weight loaded on it)

1 Sled Pull up the driveway

10 Sandbag Cleans* (50, 42, 35, 25)

5 Tire Flips

*full squat with the heaviest weight you can manage


SATURDAY 4-13-13

Open Gym from 8-10am with Dylan