This turned out to be “Girls Week”, but not on purpose. First Emiley has a birthday wod with a strongman competition theme. Anjoli, whose birthday is on the same day as Emiley won’t be here so we are postponing her wod. So I looked at some things off the board that are expired. These are just a few that we could update. I’ll save some for later.

I have a request if you are paying for training fees on-line. I learned a way that you can still do that through Cash App and it doesn’t charge me any fees! You can find me with the name $LauraMeece. So original. If you pay with cash or checks, you can continue to do as you have, that never charges a fee. If you pay through the website or with a credit card I pay a small charge. I am still willing to pay that if you can’t do the cash app, but if it’s almost as easy for you, it would be nice for me.

MONDAY 3-2-20
Strength WOD: Back Squat
For time:
Thrusters (95,65)

TUESDAY 3-3-20
5 Rounds for time:
400 meter Run
15 Overhead Squats (95,65)

For time:
Cleans (135,95)
Ring Dips

Strength WOD: Deadlift
Tabata intervals of 
8 Rounds for reps:
20 sec Deadlift (225,155) 
10 sec Rest
20 sec Handstand Push-up
10 sec Rest
(total of 8 minutes)

FRIDAY 3-6-20
Emiley's birthday wod: (3-5-83)
As Heavy As Possible:
3 Rounds for weight divided by time:
3 Atlas Stone Shoulders
100' Yoke Walk
5 Tire Flips
100' Farmers Carry-1 hand
11 Backward Med Ball Toss
10 Sledge Hammers

Open Gym for 8-10 am

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