I have decided on a date for our Christmas party. It will be Saturday December 14, sometime in the afternoon/evening. We can figure out a time later, but I wanted to make sure you can hold the date. This year it has been requested that we play a Dirty Santa Game. That requires each of you bring a WRAPPED small gift. This can be anything, including White Elephant gifts. Also bring food to share, and families to share it. Last year was the year for wings, which I thought was great. Maybe this year can be the year for Jelly Beans or Gummy Bears. I will provide drinks, plates and utensils. Chris, Josh and Nathan do not need to be in charge of creating the next week’s wods, or maybe they should get input from some of the girls to make it reasonable. Either way, we’ll have fun.

MONDAY 12-2-19
5 Rounds for total distance: (25:00)
Row 50 seconds, Rest 10 seconds
Row 40 seconds, Rest 20 seconds
Row 30 seconds, Rest 30 seconds
Row 20 seconds, Rest 40 seconds
Row 10 seconds, Rest 50 seconds

TUESDAY 12-3-19
Strength WOD: Deadlift
For time:
Med Ball Cleans (20,14)
Push Press Wall Ball Shots

"Angie" For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

THURSDAY 12-5-19
Strength WOD: Bench Press
4 Rounds for time:
400 meter Run
1:00 Handstand Hold

FRIDAY 12-6-19
4 Rounds for time:
100' Sled Push (135,95)
30 KB Swings (53,35)
50' Sled Pull Backwards RIGHT hand only
50' Sled Pull Backwards LEFT hand only
50' Waiters Walk (53,35)
50' Waiters Walk (switch hands)

SATURDAY 12-7-19
Open Gym from 8 to 10 am

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