We have a couple of birthdays this week and we have a couple to come next week. What fun we are going to have! We had some fun on Saturday at the Snap Games. Our teams did very well. One of our girls teams got 1st place. The guys got 2nd place and the team I was on got 4th. Sorry about that. I learned about battle ropes and that we are NOT getting any for our gym! We thought we might try to have a similar competition here for all the community gyms. It is good for everyone to participate together in fitness.

Speaking of together in fitness, this Saturday will be our first CrossFit Kids class. We are trying a new idea this summer. We are having a “Mommy and Me” class. Parents, Grandparents are free! Kids of Nearly Perfect parents pay $10 for the first kid and $5 for each sibling. Non Nearly Perfect parents are still free, but their kids will pay $15 for the first kid and $7 for each sibling. Tell everyone you know to come have fun with your kids!

There are some printed pages of summer shirt choices if you would like to order tanks or sleeveless tees for the summer heat. We can order just like we did before and get them in a couple of weeks. Check them out and let me know what you want.

MONDAY 6-3-19
Lance's B-day WOD: (5-31-80)
Partner WOD: 5 Rounds for time:
80 Single Unders/Yoke walk-trade places
12 Wall Balls through the bar-each
15 Synchro Shoulder-to-overhead/Deadlift-trade places
16 Back-to-back MB Passes (once around is 1)

TUESDAY 6-4-19
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press
Valerie's B-day WOD: (6-4-66)
Buy in: 400 meter Run
4 Rounds of 4 1:00 EMOMs
5 Push Press (95,65)
10 Ring Rows
15 Sit-ups
20 Lunges
Cash out: 400 meter Run

For time:
Row 2K
21 Cleans (95,65)
15 Thrusters
Row 1K
15 Cleans
12 Thrusters
Row 500 meters
9 Cleans
9 Thrusters

Strength WOD: Back Squat
4 Rounds for time:
500 meter Row
400 meter Run

FRIDAY 6-7-19
3 Rounds* for time:
5 Burpees
10 Box Jumps (24,20)
15 Slam Balls (25,20)
20 KB Swings (53,35)
*increase reps on 2nd rd to x2
increase reps on 3rd rd to x3

Open Gym from 8 to 10 am
CrossFit Kids "Mommy and Me" 8:30-9:30 am

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