We have two more birthdays to celebrate this week, but they are not over yet. We will have two more next week. The fun just keeps coming. We also have two strength wods again this week. We are not doing as many heavy weight days, this week only, which is good and bad. We do have several more records to put on our board from last week, with some nice PR’s! Now we will add our strength days back in again and see just how far we can go.

MONDAY 10-15-18
Jen Weiss Birthday WOD 10-7-83 (35)
3 Rounds for time:
35 Calorie Row
35 Goblet Squats (53,35)
35 Ring Rows

TUESDAY 10=16=18
"Dork" modified
4 Rounds for time:
60 Double Unders
30 KB Swings (53,35)
15 Burpees

WEDNESDAY 10-17-18
Strength WOD: Back Squat
For time:
2 minute* Handstand Hold
50 Squats
50' Handstand Walk**
50 Squats
20 Handstand Push-ups
*accumulate the time
**200' Bear Crawl

THURSDAY 10-18-18
Chris Bradford Birthday WOD 9-28-87 (31)
For time:
800 meter Run
5 Rounds of:
30 Double Unders
1 Rope Climb
800 meter Run

FRIDAY 10-19-18
Strength WOD: Bench Press
For time:
1,000 meter Row
50 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75,55)
25 Pull-ups

SATURDAY 10-20-18
Open Gym from 8 to 10am

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