This is Birthday Week! We are making up for several people who have recently had birthdays and one that hasn’t happened yet. All together we have four birthdays to celebrate. People chose what they wanted and Laura and I birthdayfied them. If they chose some of the same movements, I tried to only include them once. One couldn’t be helped. Have fun celebrating with our newest “older” family members!

MONDAY 9-24-18
Teresa's B-day WOD (9-16-71)
For time:
47 Sit-ups
9 Evil Wheels (45,35)
16 KB Swings (53,35)
9 Stink Bugs
16 KB Swings
9 Evil Wheels
47 Sit-ups

TUESDAY 9-25-18
Barbie's B-day WOD (9-21-64)
Partner Deck of Cards for time and reps:
With a partner, share turning over cards from one deck
Spades= Push-ups
Jokers=54 Burpees
# on card=# of reps
Face cards=10 reps
Aces=11 reps

2 Rounds for time:
800 meter Run
400 meter Run BACKWARDS

THURSDAY 9-27-18
Laura A's B-day WOD (9-17-90)
AMRAP in 28 minutes
9 Scaled-up Pull-ups
17 Power Clean and Jerk (125,85)
90 Single Unders
1 MB Shuttle Run (20,14)

FRIDAY 9-28-18
Madelynn's B-day WOD (9-29-04)
Strength WOD: Bench Press
4 Rounds for time:
9 Ring Pull-ups
29 Deadlifts (135,95)
14 Sideways Toes-2-Bar

SATURDAY 9-29-18
Open Gym from 8 to 10am

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