This week I wrote the WODs on the board at the gym first. Maybe there won’t be any discrepancies between the board and what I post this week doing it this way. Thanks to those of you that read the post before you come in, you have helped keep me straight on what the WOD should be. That’s a big job, keeping me straight! One thing I forgot last week was our 100th day of the year for Burpees. Never fear, I put it in this week. I didn’t add any extra Burpees even though we are doing it on day 107.

I do have one unpleasant thing to mention. We had a graffiti artist practice their skills on the painted wall of a stall in the bathroom. If anyone has any information about this art project, like when it appeared, who might have been the creative artist… I would love to supply them with a different sort of beautification project.

MONDAY 4-16-18
"Tabata Something Else"
4 consecutive Tabatas for total reps

TUESDAY 4-17-18
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press
For time:
100 Burpees*
*both hands must touch something that is 6" above your standing reach on the jump

For time:
150 Wall Balls (20,14)*
*ball must hit target of 10' or 9' 150 times for Rx

THURSDAY 4-19-18
Strength WOD: Power Clean
For time:
Ovehead Squats (115,80)

FRIDAY 4-20-18
AMRAP in 30:00
400 meter Run
3 Rope Climbs
400 meter Run
15 "Plyo" Push-ups

SATURDAY 4-21-18
Open Gym from 8 to 10am

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