I have checked to see how many of you have signed up for the Open, and who you are. Thank you! For those of you that are nervous about signing up, there is no stress! We will do the wods anyway. This just gives you an idea of where you stack up with the rest of the world. You will be pleased to know we do good technique all the time and this will help you do well in the Open. If this is your first year, you will see how much you have improved by next year. It’s supposed to be FUN! Let’s all have fun with this!

For those of you that are planning to take the Judges course to help me out, don’t forget to print out your certificates and bring me a copy. You will need to sign the score sheets for the ones you judge and include your CrossFit number, which is printed on the certificate. This will make you more aware of standards and will ultimately make you a better athlete.

MONDAY 2-12-18
Strength WOD: Deadlift
AMRAP in 20:00
25 Burpees
15 BW Backsquats

TUESDAY 2-13-18
For time:
30 Muscle-ups
AMRAP in 15:00
5 Strict Pull-ups/5 False Grip Ring Rows
5 Ring Dips/5 Jumping Dips with slow negatives
5 Transitions from knees/band

Modified "T"
5 Rounds for time:
Shuttle Run 1-2-3-2-1
10 Squat Clean Thruster (95,65)
15 KB Swings (53,35)
Shuttle Run
Rest 2 minutes

THURSDAY 2-15-18
Push Press
*should be Shoulder Press work weight

FRIDAY 2-16-18
Strength WOD: Bench Press
AMRAP in 5:00
3 Deadlift*(185,125)
7 Push Press*(85,55)
*weight should be heavy but able to do it unbroken

SATURDAY 2-17-18
Open Gym from 8-10am

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