I can’t believe the year is almost over! The 12 Days of Christmas WOD is over. (Glad for that one to be done.)  The Christmas party was a fun one, with all good sports playing silly games and sharing food, but now that’s over. What could be left? Oh, birthdays! Yes, we will celebrate Jenny’s birthday this week, and it doesn’t look too bad. The other thing left to do is check the goals you made last year. See how far you have come and make new goals for next year. Let’s all work on those “goats”! The Open will be here before you know it. We need to be as ready for Dave Castro as possible!

Next week the gym will be closed on Monday for Christmas Day. We will resume normal schedules for the rest of the week. Please, PLEase, PLEASE sign up early! My family will be celebrating Christmas on the 27th during the day and I don’t want to come in unless you are committed to being there! Coming in and getting stood up isn’t my favorite activity, as it isn’t one of the things you look forward to either. You sign up early, I’ll be there!

MONDAY 12-18-17
For time:
12 Muscle-ups (Rings/Transitions)
800 meter Run
9 Muscle-ups
400 meter Run
6 Muscle-ups
200 meter Run

TUESDAY 12-19-17
Jenny's B-day WOD: 12-13-17
4 Rounds for time:
1 Rope Climb
20 Wall Balls (20,14)
30 Overhead MB Lunges (20,14)
34 MB Sit-ups (20,14)

WEDNESDAY 12-20-17
Strength WOD: Deadlift
In 12:00 complete for reps:
1 min Squat Clean (135,95)
1 min Push Jerk 
2 min Squat Clean
2 min Push Jerk
3 min Squat Clean
3 min Push Jerk

THURSDAY 12-21-17
Strength WOD: Bench Press
Army Combat Readiness Test (portion)
For time:
Sprint 150' (there, back, there)
Sled Pull 100' (135) (there, back)
Sprint 150'
KB Carry 100' (40)
Sprint 150'
Sled Pull 100'
Sprint 150'
KB Carry 100'
Sprint 150'

FRIDAY 12-22-17
4 Rounds for time:
Row 500 meters
10 Overhead Squats (155,105)

SATURDAY 12-23-17
Open Gym from 8 to 10am

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