More birthdays, more FUN! (less shoulders?) It’s Laura A.M.’s birthday this week and Chris Bradford’s birthday next week. The fun never stops.

I am going to take my level 3 certification test again on Thursday. I might fail again, but I am learning a lot and trying to become a better coach. Everything I learn I’m trying to pass on to you whether or not I actually pass the exam. Wish me luck. Nathan says, you don’t want to see the grumpy wods.

MONDAY 9/18/17
Laura A Meece Birthday WOD
3 Rounds for Time:
9 Toes to bar
17 Power cleans (95,65)
20 Double unders
7 Power snatches (95,65)

TUESDAY 9/19/17
6 Rounds for Time:
24 Squats
24 Push ups
24 Walking lunge steps
Run 400m

Stength WOD: Power Clean
5 sets of 3 reps
1000m Row
50 Thrusters (45,35)
30 Pull ups

THURSDAY 9/21/17
50 Hip extensions
5 Rope climbs
40 Hip extensions
4 Rope climbs
30 Hip extensions
3 Rope climbs
20 Hip extensions
2 Rope climbs
10 Hip extensions
1 Rope climb

FRIDAY 9/22/17
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press
3 sets of 5 reps
For time:
GHD sit ups
Toes to bar
Wall Ball shots (20,14)

SATURDAY 9/23/17 
Open Gym 8-10 am

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