It’s nice to be home and in my routine again. The laundry is not caught up, but there’s always tomorrow for that. What can’t be put off are some new things I’m learning to practice, which should make us stronger and healthier. The pool party was a fun time for those who were able to make it. The next fun thing will be the day of the solar eclipse. I have yet to decide if there will be classes that day, just in the morning, or at all. We will talk about everyone’s plans and see what happens.

MONDAY 8-14-17
5 Rounds for time:
400 meter Run
15 Left arm KB Snatches (35,26)
15 Right arm KB Snatches

TUESDAY 8-15-17
Bear Complex*
5 sets of 7 complexes (increasing weight)
*Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat, Push Press
You may not put the bar down at all until 7 full complexes are completed.

10 Rounds for time:
9 Thrusters (95,65)
35 Double Unders

THURSDAY 8-17-17
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press
3 sets of 5 reps (3x5)
For time:
Squat Snatch (135,95)

FRIDAY 8-18-17
Strength WOD: Back Squat
3 sets of 5 reps (3x5)
3 Rounds for time:
200 meter Farmer's Carry (50,35) DBx2
20 Deficit Push-ups*
10 Push Jerks
*hands on Dumbbells, chest to the floor

SATURDAY 8-19-17
Open Gym from 8 to 10am
We may have a big crowd, my family will be in town. We could have a fun group wod! 
Everyone is welcome.

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