I’m ba-aack! I want to thank everyone who filled in for me, training classes, while I was gone. Some of you, I saw, need to learn to write smaller on the board to make room for the 6pm athletes. Other than that I heard of no problems. It’s so nice to know I can be gone and not have everything fall apart.

Next Saturday Feb. 18, 2017 at 6pm at Wings Etc. is our anniversary dinner. Please sign up and let me know how many people will be joining you before Tuesday. That’s when I have to get the food order in for the restaurant. Come enjoy a dinner on us. This is my appreciation for you who have made this business successful!

MONDAY 2-13-17
"Kettle Bell WOD"
5 Rounds for time:
10 KB Cleans-5 each side (53,35)
15 Goblet Squats
20 Lateral KB Swings-10 each direction
100' Farmer Walk-50' each hand

TUESDAY 2-14-17
Strength WOD: Deadlift
5+ reps x 1 set
For time:
DB Thrusters (50,35)
Ring Rows

"Partner WOD"
AMRAP in 8 minutes:
Person A 20 Lunges 
Person B Plank Hold*
Trade places
Person B 20 Lunges
Person A Plank Hold=1 round
Rest 5 minutes, then:
AMRAP in 8 minutes:
Person A 7 Strict Pull-ups
Person B OH Hold (75,55)
Trade places
Person B 7 Strict Pull-ups
Person A OH Hold=1 round
*If the person holding needs to take a break, the other person stops working but must add 1 rep to the required movements.
If the preson working takes a break the one holding does not rest!

THURSDAY 2-16-17
"Fight Gone Bad"
3 Rounds for Reps:
1 minute of:
Wall Balls (20,14) to (10',9')
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75,55)
Box Jumps (20,18)
Push Press (75,55)
Row for Calories

FRIDAY 2-17-17
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press
5 reps x 3 sets
3 Rounds for time of:
25 Double Unders, or attempts
20 Med Ball Twists (20,14)*
100 Single Unders, no substitutes
10 Toes-2-Bar
*touch ball to floor on each side while holding V position, each touch is a rep

SATURDAY 2-18-17
Open Gym from 8 to 10am
Anniversary Dinner at 6pm Wings Etc. in Jackson

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