I hope everyone is signing up for the Open soon! You have a few days left, yet. We will be doing the wods that are for competition anyway, you might as well see where you stand in the world, region and state! It’s always fun!!! Another thing to sign up for is our anniversary dinner. There is a sign-up sheet in the gym on Saturday’s Open Gym Day. The dinner will be at Wings Etc. in Jackson on Friday, Feb. 18 at 6:00pm. Come and enjoy the family!

I will be here this week but gone the next. The numbers of the people taking my classes are on the board, also on Saturday’s Open Gym day. Sign up for next weeks classes and text them next week if your plans change.

More Birthdays this week! Happy Birthday to David and Melanie! Hope you still feel loving toward them after you have enjoyed their wods!

MONDAY 1-30-17
4 Rounds for time:
20 Power Snatch (75,55)
50 Double Unders

TUESDAY 1-31-17
Happy B-Day David 2-1-59
3 Rounds for time:
2 Tire Flips (the Big One)
1 Rope Climb
20 Jumping Back Squats (50,40)
20 Sledge Hammers
19 Med Ball Cleans (20,14)

3 Death By:s
1) Death By: Burpee + Back Squat (185,125)
rest 3 minutes
2) Death By: Burpee + Shoulder Press (115,75)
rest 3 minutes
3) Death By: Burpee + Deadlift (245,165)

Happy B-Day Melanie 2-2-1983 (34y/o)
3 Rounds for time:
22 Wall Balls (20,14) to (10',9')
1 Rope Climb
9 GHD Sit-ups
8 Evil Wheels (45,35)
3 Atlas Stone Shoulders
34 Double Unders

FRIDAY 2-3-17
For time:
Wall Balls (20,14) to (10',9')
Thrusters (75,55)

Open Gym from 8 to 10am

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