I’m posting early to be sure I get you these wods. I may not have internet access, so while I do, I am making the most of it. Same times schedule as last week 5am, 8am, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm.

The gym will be closed on Monday 9-5-16 for Labor Day. But we can make up for that missing wod, at least the ladies can! There is a memorial wod for 9/11 this year that is open to all ladies in the southeast Missouri area. This wod will take place at Muddy Water CrossFit at 6pm on 9-9-16. We will be doing 3,015 Burpees as a group. If we have 30 women there we have only 100 Burpees each! Let’s get everyone we know there to share this work and fellowship! I will be back in time for this fun time. We can meet at our gym and carpool to Muddy Water if you’d like. Be there ready to leave at 5:30. You can do the workout at 5 and then go to Muddy at 5:30, HA! On that day we will cancel the Friday 6pm class so I can go help do Burpees too!

MONDAY 9-5-16
Labor Day
Gym Closed

TUESDAY 9-6-16
5 Rounds for time:
30 Wall Balls (20,14)
20 Overhead Lunges (20,14)
100 Meter Med Ball Run (20,14)

5 Rounds for time:
3 Power Clean (95% of 1RM)
100' Waiter's Walk* (53,35)
20 Double Unders
* There, change hands and come back

GGG competition WOD
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
24 Deadlift (135,95)
18 Front Squat (135,95)
12 Power Clean (135,95)
6 Shoulder to Overhead (135,95)

FRIDAY 9-9-16
5 K Row for time
(Ladies at 6pm Burpees at MWCF)

SATURDAY 9-10-16
Open Gym 8 to 10am

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