Merry Ellen has fixed our website sign-up page for me!

As of yesterday, you must sign up for classes anytime the day before you want to come. After midnight, you will not be able to select a class time for the now current day!

Please plan ahead for the days you think you can come. Sign up for the week, or month, or whatever day at a time if you must. Make a committment to come when you have signed up, if at all possible. Text me if something comes up and you can’t make it. This will give all the trainers, not just me, the opportunity to plan their day a little more.

If we see in the morning that no one has signed up for an evening class, we can make other plans! If we see that someone has signed up for a class, we as trainers, have all made committments to you, to be there! This gives you a way to respect our time. None of the trainers want to come to an empty gym for a “just in case you feel like” dropping by! We want to be there to train people in what we love! Help us help you!

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