It was a wonderful weekend! Landon and Lydia had a beautiful wedding. Everything went just like it was planned and everyone seemed to have a good time. Thank you to all of you that wished them well with cards and gifts. Lydia cried and Landon was so taken aback. They were amazed at you generosity and love for them. Thank you for loving and blessing my kids!

Thank you to Dustin and Brian who will be sharing taking over Lydia’s 6 pm class. For those of you that don’t sign up, you may be disappointed when you call the wrong person to let them know you’re coming to class. All the trainers have access to the website that lists who is coming. Please sign up early for classes you would like to attend. There are going to be some adjustments to the website. Soon you will no longer be able to sign up for a class just a couple of hours before it begins. The day before is ideal!  I would like to be able to plan my day a little further in advance than at the last minute. Every class listed is always available unless there are special circumstances. Sign up, and someone will be there! If you need to cancel, text me and I will pass it on to the trainer for that time.

One special circumstance is happening this Wednesday at 4pm. I will be picking Lydia and Landon up from the airport in St. Louis then, so there will be no 4pm class this Wednesday. I have asked people to be at the gym next week for me when David and I will be helping to move Landon and Lydia to South Carolina. They will also have access to the sign up list, so sign up for classes for them too, please.

MONDAY 7-11-16
5 Rounds for time:
1 Rope Climb
25' Handstand Walk/or 5 Wall Walks
20 Lateral KB Swings (53,35)

TUESDAY 7-12-16
4 Rounds for time:
50 meter Weighted Lunge (45,30) each hand
350 meter Farmers Carry

AMRAP in 7 minutes:
25 Double Unders
5 Burpee Bar Muscle-ups

rest 5 minutes, then:

AMRAP in 7 minutes:
5 Atlas Stone Shoulderings
25 Sit-ups

THURSDAY 7-14-16
Front Squat

FRIDAY 7-15-16
2 Rounds for time:
800 meter Run
400 meter Run Backwards

SATURDAY 7-16-16
Open Gym from 8-10 am

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