Now that you've signed up for the Open, I will continue posting the wods. Friday will be left blank for the "to be announced" first Open Wod 16.1! You will have the opportunity to do the wod Friday, Saturday and Monday if you choose. The scores given to you by your judge need to be submitted by 7pm Monday night. Then I have to confirm that entry for the scores to be posted. It is always fun to see where you place in our region and in the world. Good Luck to you all!

MONDAY 2-22-16
Partner WOD* for time:
100 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups
125 Push Press (95,65)
150 Back Squats (95,65)
*Person A: works on the ODD minutes
Person B: Works on the EVEN minutes
total time is score for the team

TUESDAY 2-23-16
21-15-9 for time:
Deadlift (225,155)
Overhead Walking Lunge Steps (50,40) DB each hand
Bar-facing Burpees

For time:
90 Double Unders
9 Muscle-ups* (on rings)
9 Squat Clean Thrusters (50,40) DB each hand
80 Double Unders
8 Muscle-ups
8 Squat Clean Thrusters
70 Double Unders
7 Muscle-ups
7 Squat Clean Thrusters
*do jumping, transitions with a band, or pull-ups and dips for scales

THURSDAY 2-25-16
Front Squat

FRIDAY 2-26-16
Open 16.1

SATURDAY 2-27-16
Open Gym from 8 to 10 am

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