We are having a party on Saturday! Everyone is welcome! Bring your families and food to share. This will be a combination Christmas/putting up the rig party. Hopefully the rig will be delivered by then. If not, don’t worry, we will play games! Come at 5 pm and stay to help put the rig together. If you can’t come at 5, come whenever you can make it. We should still be here kind of late.

We will be open all week this week for a normal schedule. Next week, we will be closed the evening of the 24th, all day on the 25th and there will be no Open Gym on the 26th. For those of you that will go through withdrawal with so many days off, I have a challenge for you. If you do a workout at home during those days we are closed, AND have someone workout with you (I want names and times) you will receive $5 off your next month’s training fees for each person who worked out with you! Bring me your list of names and wod results for credit. Make sure your friends work hard and have fun!

MONDAY 12-14-15
5 Rounds for time:
25′ Handstand Walk*
100′ Walking Lunges
*scale is 5 Wall Walks

TUESDAY 12-15-15
For time:
Walk 400 meters with Barbell (135,95)*
every 10 steps alternate:
5 Front Squats
5 Back Squats
if you put down the Barbell do:
10 Deadlifts
*choose your weight wisely! 400 meters is about 400 steps!

WEDNESDAY 12-16-15
Strength WOD: Squat Snatch
Death by:
100′ Sprints*
*Sprint means run as fast as possible even in the first minutes!

THURSDAY 12-17-15
“12 Days of Christmas””
12 Man Makers* (30,20)
11 KB Swinging (53,35)
10 Jumping Back Squats (45,35)
9 Russian Lunges (30,20)
8 Pistols-alternating legs
7 Calorie Row
6 Goblet Squats (53,35)
5 Dips on Rings
4 Toes to Bar
3 Good Mornings (45,35)
2 Squat Clean Thrusters (75,55)
1 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75,55)
* Renegade Push-up, jump feet to hands, Squat Clean Thruster
Do 12 down to 1, 11 down to 1, 10 down to 1…

FRIDAY 12-18-15
“Jenny’s Birthday WOD” 12-13-15
12-13-15 reps for time:
Overhead Step Back Lunges (45,25)
Thrusters (95,65)

SATURDAY 12-19-15
Open Gym from 8 to 10 am then:
Christmas/ Putting up thee rig Party
starts at 5 pm, come when you can
bring food to share, stay to help put up the rig

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