There are lots of new records on the board this week! Congrats to those who got their names up there! If you didn’t, and want to challenge any of those times, feel free to do that at any time! Let’s keep our board current and interesting!

MONDAY 10-12-15
Strength WOD: (not optional)
3 x 30 seconds Deadlift max reps
change the weight to achieve your best max reps x weight in 30 seconds
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
Power Cleans (155, 105)

TUESDAY 10-13-15
Front Squat

WEDNESDAY 10-14-15
Strength WOD: (not optional)
Back Squat (135, 95) (95, 65)
max reps in 2 minutes
For time:
30 Deadlift (185, 135)
30 Calorie Row
30 Overhead Squats (95, 65)

THURSDAY 10-15-15
3 Rounds for time:
800 meter Run
30 DB Squat Cleans (50, 35)
30 Burpees

FRIDAY 10-16-15
Team WOD* if possible
For time:
50 Toes to Bar/person on the team
50 Shoulder to Overhead/person on the team (135, 95)
* if doing this wod in a team, 1 person does Toes to Bar while the other person holds the barbell overhead in a static position, switch as needed to complete 50 reps/person
when this is complete 1 person does Shoulder to Overhead while the other person hangs from the pull-up bar, switch as needed to complete 50 reps/person

SATURDAY 10-17-15
FESTIVUS GAMES has finally arrived! Come cheer the competitors on!
8am to 2? or 3?pm

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