This is the link you’ve been looking for!

It’s not too late to sign up. And the price was supposed to go up, but it hasn’t! So sign up and make your friends sign up with you! We’ve got to do all we can to make this a good competition!

MONDAY 9-21-15
5 Rounds for time:
400 meter Run
15 Overhead Squats (95, 65)

TUESDAY 9-22-15
Teresa's Birthday WOD 9-16-15
5 Rounds for time:
9 Deadlifts (80% of 1 RM)
16 Sledge Hammers
22 Russian Lunges (30, 20)

For time:
Run 1 mile
100 Sit-ups*
100 Back Extensions*
Run 1 mile
* mix and match the Sit-ups and Back Extensions as you like, to get 100 of each

THURSDAY 9-24-15
Laura A.M. Birthday WOD 9-17-15
AMRAP in 17 minutes:
4 Turkish Get-ups (35, 25)
5 GH Raises
25 Double Unders

FRIDAY 9-25-15
5 Rounds for time:
1 Rope Climb
12 Toes 2 Bar
1 Rope Climb
12 DB Squat Cleans (50, 40)

SATURDAY 9-26-15
Open Gym from 8-10
Come practice for the Big River Rumble or the Festivus Games!

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