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Now all you have to do is sign up! Those of you that couldn’t compete last April in Marion, now have a chance to compete here at home!! For those of you that competed in the Open last spring and did mostly Rx in your category, you will be needed to be judges. This competition is not really for you. I am thinking that I will need 5 judges, 1 score keeper/internet poster and one overall manager of whatever needs done. If you know you can be here on this date and want to help let me know. If you want to compete, the registration cost is the lowest right now through July 31. It goes up every month until October, so sign up as soon as you know your schedule. Let’s make a good showing of what we can do!

MONDAY 7-6-15
2 Rounds for time:
800 meter Run (forwards)
400 meter Run (Backwards)

TUESDAY 7-7-15
Back Squat Strength WOD
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
10 Push-ups
10 "Car Drivers" (15, 10) R+L=1
10 Kettle Bell Swings (53, 35)

For time:
30 Snatch* (135, 95)
*any type of snatch, power, squat or split but must start from the ground each rep

Bench Press Strength WOD
"10 Minute Capacity Test" 
4 minute Row for Calories 
1 minute Rest
3 minute Pull-ups for reps
1 minute Rest
2 minutes Body Weight Back Squats for reps
1 minute Rest
1 minute Shoulder to Overhead for reps (135, 95)

FRIDAY 7-10-15
"Deck of Cards Race"*
1 deck between 2 people, no Jokers
Diamonds=Sit-ups (Abmat)
*score equals reps done, divided by time

SATURDAY 7-11-15
Open Gym from 8-10 am

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