How many times did you look for the posted wods over the weekend, either in your e-mail or on the website? Sorry they weren’t there, but we had a great time in Iowa celebrating Lydia’s graduation. We worked out with her at her gym and brought you back a souvenir! Something to look forward to on Wednesday, and all summer, Lydia is going to be home and can make up some more wods for us! However, Nathan and I aren’t really having any problems coming up with some fun ones of our own. A little suggestion from you and some tweaking from us, fun, fun, fun!

MONDAY 5-11-15
EMOM for 30 minutes:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

TUESDAY 5-12-15
Strength WOD: Deadlift
empty bar x 5 reps x 2 sets
add weight x 5 reps
add weight x 3 reps
add weight x 2 reps
Work Sets:
add weight x 5 or more reps

Regular WOD:
For time:
75 Power Snatch (75, 55)

"Iowa Fun"
For time: 30 minute cap
Run 400 meters
10 Push-ups
400 meters Overhead Walk (95, 65)
Stop at corner and do 10 Thrusters
continue to storm drain and do 10 Snatch
come back to corner and do 10 Back Squat
10 KB Swings (53, 35)
400 meters Farmers Walk (53, 35) in each hand
at corner do 10 Thrusters (with weight in both hands)
at storm drain do 10 Snatches (with one weight only, 5 each arm)
at corner do 10 Goblet Squats (with one weight)
10 Sandbag Cleans (50, 40/35)
400 meter Sandbag Carry
at corner do 10 Front Squats
at storm drain do 10 Jumping Back Squats
at corner do 10 Back Squats

THURSDAY 5-14-15
3 Rounds for time:
20 Pistols
7 Muscle-ups*
10 Hang Power Cleans (175, 115)
* scale to Jumping Muscle-ups or Transition to up if attempts fail in first round

FRIDAY 5-15-15
Strength WOD: Power Cleans
empty bar x 5 reps x 2 sets
add weight x 5 reps
add weight x 3 reps
add weight x 2 reps
Work Sets:
add weight x 3 reps x 5 sets

Regular WOD:
Double Unders

SATURDAY 5-16-15
To Be Determined again this week. There is another graduation this weekend. This time it is for Laura A. Meece. This is the second of three. Then schedules will only be altered for vacations and other normal things! I will try to keep you informed.

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