While the weather looks good, we will be taking advantage of the break from rain and the still not too hot temperatures to get in some running. It’ll be fun, she said! We will also have our regular strength WODs, just not on our regular days, since the gym will be CLOSED on MONDAY for…

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According to the weather predictions we have two possible days of sunshine! We will be outside if nothing changes. It’s about time that we dry out, at least a little bit. And for those of you that are tired of Burpees, we only have one day of them this week. Sorry, but they are a…

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I’m looking ahead, past Mother’s Day to the week ahead. I think we may need to work together to build an ark! It is supposed to rain everyday! (Maybe not Monday). I have all inside WODs planned, but if it’s not actively raining on any of the days you come in, you might think about…

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This is the week that Jenny’s semi-final workouts will be released. If they are adaptations of the quarter-finals that we just did, we won’t all do them again. If they are different enough, we will play along with her by doing them next week. It will be fun! MONDAY 5-6-24Strength WOD: Bench Press (3×5)then:AMRAP in…

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