Happy New Year! This is a very popular time to make resolutions that you can’t possibly keep up with. Instead of making an unreasonable goal, why not decide to just come to the gym at least 3 times a week and workout with friends who will encourage you. Doing something is always better than doing…

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Our last week of the 2023 year will only be 4 WODs plus Open Gym, as Monday is Christmas and the gym will be closed. Then the first week of 2024 will be also only 4 WODs plus Open Gym, as that Monday is New Years Day and the gym will be closed again. As…

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This is the second to last week of the year, and there is so much to pack into it! It will officially start with our Christmas Party on the 17th at 4pm. We will eat, play games, and laugh together as we celebrate being together. I think it’s funny that people who have come to…

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This week is a normal week as far as the schedule goes. We will do our 12 Days of Christmas WOD next week, and then the following week is Christmas and the last week of the year! So our Christmas party will be on Sunday afternoon/evening on December 17. Come at 4:00pm and bring your…

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I have talked to some of you about our Christmas Party. I have chosen Sunday, December 17th at 4pm to 8pm or, whenever you choose to leave, as the time for the party this year. Several people had conflicts on Saturday, so this seemed as good an option as possible. Please come, bring your families…

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