I’m posting these early in case you have any questions. I think they are always self explanatory, but you don’t know what I’m thinking so it might be harder for you to understand. As always scale appropriately and do the best you can. MONDAY 5-1-23 Strength WOD: Shoulder Press (3×5) then: AMRAP in 10:00 12…

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I’m collecting all kinds of WODs for us as I am preparing to take my test. There are so many I can’t even program them all in one week! Sound like fun yet? I will save them and we can do them gradually as I need more options. We will do WODs that are easy…

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People are already practicing their running, getting ready for our semi-annual 5K. So I guess I will oblige them and schedule one soon. I’m thinking about doing that in the middle of May after I take my test. I have told several of you about taking my Level 4 test. We will see how that…

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We have an Easter WOD and an on time Birthday WOD this week. These are real WODs, even when they are fun and seemingly “cute”. All movements, done with intensity, under load are beneficial for our health. We can celebrate our friends and workout together. We can also do workouts that are for a cause.…

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Remember when I said we had some birthdays coming up? Well, I almost missed this one. I found Pat’s suggestions for her birthday WOD in the bottom of my purse. So, we will do that this week before I lose it again. Happy Belated Birthday Pat. Then on Monday of next week we will see…

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