This is the first week of the year! Pick out a spot on the whiteboard above the cubbies shelf, and write your name and your goals for this year. Make them as specific as possible so you will know when you have achieved them. Don’t write something ambiguous, like “get more fit”. Then date your…

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Wow, this is the last week of this year. Mostly things are back to normal as far as Covid is concerned. There are still other illnesses to pass around though so be careful. We will continue to wipe all of our equipment off, because it’s just a good idea. We can do what we can…

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I am posting these WODs late because I had to take time out for our Christmas Party. It was a very fun time! There was excellent food, fun games and wonderful people to share it all with. We now know who is coordinated, who keeps trying, and who doesn’t know Christmas songs. All together we…

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One week from today is our gym Christmas Party. We will meet at 5pm on Sunday December 18. Please bring your families, a dish to share, (no it doesn’t have to be “healthy”), and a willingness to play fun games. I will provide drinks, plates, bowls, cups and silverware. This is a great time to…

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It’s getting closer to Christmas and we will do the 12 Days of Christmas next week. But this week we are going to go “Christmas Shopping”. I think it will be a fun little WOD. You tell me if online shopping is more fun than this WOD. We will have our Christmas Party on Sunday…

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