Memorial Day is here and we will be closed on Monday. We will do a Hero WOD on Tuesday, but not “Murph”. There are so many Heros to celebrate and remember for Memorial Day. I promise it will also be a challenging WOD for you to suffer through. School is out for most. Summer has…

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We have Memorial Day coming up next Monday, With celebrations, days off, trips away, schedules may be hectic. Look ahead at your schedule and plan times to be at the gym. Don’t sacrifice what you need for you to stay healthy. Enjoy your life and friends, but stay active. We will not have classes on…

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It is soon to be summer and I for one am happy for it. School will be out and schedules may lighten up. There may be more outside activities for kids and families. We can start running outside, wait is that a good thing? Of course it is! I am going to plan our 5K…

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We can see the school year is almost over. A couple of weeks for some of you and it will be summertime! Schedules change, vacations are planned, kids get even busier with other activities. Don’t forget to look ahead and plan time for you to get your workouts in. Surprises may come up and you…

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Sometimes we get caught up in doing the specialized movements like Olympic lifts and skills that are needed to improve those movements. However, basic movements are also worthwhile, even if they don’t feel as glamourous. Things like Burpees, Thrusters, Lunges are kind of the boring movements. Nothing that makes us move and causes our muscles…

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