If you are having shoulder discomfort, you are still welcome to use the Crossover Symetry bands before we start the group warm-up. Maybe not like battle ropes as seen here. Monday 7-20-20 AMRAP in 20:00 5 MB Push-ups 10 SB Cleans 15 SB Jumping Squats 20 SB Step-back Lunges 25 Wall Balls

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All the equipment is out and ready for you at each platform. Come in with your mask, sanitize your hands, pick a platform that has a dumbbell you can lift in a Turkish Get-up. Then remove your mask and stay in your place for warm-ups and the wod. Monday 7-13-20 For time: 500 meter Row…

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I have seen the order for Cape Girardeau Country mask order. This does mean us. I will ask everyone to wear a mask into the gym and remove it after you have used the hand sanitizer and are beginning to exercise. Anyone exercising and 6’ apart has an exception from the order. I will be…

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Strength WOD: Back Squat 65%-75%-85% then: 4 Rounds for time: 100′ Sled Push 30 Double Unders 20 GHD Sit-ups 10 Good Mornings

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WEDNESDAY 7-8-20 “Fight Gone Bad” Prep 3 Rounds in 5:00 for reps 15 Wall Balls 15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 15 Box Jumps 15 Push Press 15 Calorie Row 1:00 Rest between rounds

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