It has been another good week at the gym. I’m looking forward to more as the summer progresses. Maybe we won’t have to shut down again because of the pandemic. Maybe CrossFit won’t implode. Maybe we won’t melt in the summer heat! I don’t know for sure about that last one. You might notice some…

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We have been back in the gym for three weeks now. The keeping our distance from each other has gone pretty well. The wiping off of equipment has been pretty easy and might be something that we continue to do just because it will always be a healthier environment that way. I am keeping a…

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This will be our third week back in the gym. We are now opening up classes to 8 people per class. I will try to still keep my distance, but I will probably not wear a mask anymore. It is so hard to hear me through the mask with the fans and radio on. If…

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I’m pleased to see so many of you made it back to the gym. I’m sorry most of you are so sore! My job is to hold you back for at least the next 6-8 weeks, aren’t you glad? We will all build up our strength again and with our new program of warming up…

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