Thursday 5-7-2020For time:21 DB Thrusters x 2, or alternate if x 1400 meter Run18 DB Thrusters400 meter Run15 DB Thrusters400 meter Run

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Wednesday 5-6-2020“Candy”5 Rounds for time:20 Sheet Rows40 Push-ups60 Squats* Be careful to scale the reps to what you need. Not too little andnot too much.3 Rounds, 5 Rounds of 10-20-30, 6 Rounds of 10-20-30…?

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Tuesday 5-5-20203 Rounds for time:30 Alternating Shoulder Taps40 Side Plank Leg Abductors (20 each side)20 Dead Bugs-alternate arm and leg down together 10 Mountain Climbers L/R with Push-up 20 Hip Bridge to “Table” with arm reach (or look)

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Please let me know who is interested in our Zoom yoga class. Laura is planning on having the first class on Wednesday at 5pm. We were thinking that some people might be going back to work and this might be a better time. This time is not set in stone! Let me know what times…

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Monday 5-4-20 “3-2-1-Gaux” for Margaux AlverazAMRAP in 10:0012 DB Power Snatch x1 DB6 Renegade Rows only x2 DB*12 DB Power Cleans x2 DB* If you only have one DB you may alternate rounds with the other arm.If your DB is too heavy for the Rows you may scale to Shoulder taps in Plank position or…

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Saturday 5-2-203 Rounds of:10 Right arm Standing DB Rows (hang position)10 Left arm Standing DB Rows10 Sumo Deadlift High Pullsthen:3 Rounds of:10 Goblet Drops (hold in the bottom 3 seconds)10 Overhead Squats (breaking the bar)

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