This wod has no demonstration video. It is 4 Tabatas in a row. We will do this wod live on Wednesday at 12:00 noon. If you need a Tabata timer it is on the wod timer app. All you have to do is put in 32 cycles. Or watch us and change when we change with…

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For time:80 Double Unders60 Goblet Squats40 Push Press (bend knees once) each arm20 Knees-2-Elbows on the floor10 Wall WalksOnly one time through, this is a chipper.

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Another week to get through. I think last week went very well for us trying new things. I am hoping everyone is realizing that heavy weights and fancy lifts are not all you need to get a good workout! I have been as sore this last week as I usually am with my 3 wods…

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For time:Accumulate 5:00 Handstand Holdin as few sets as possible. No penalties, just record total time it took you and how many sets, and your scale if any. No demonstration video needed! Only one round of 5:00. Use your scale. Feet on a door or wall, Stink bugs, feet on a chair, whatever.

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For time:300 Squatsevery minute perform 5 Push-ups *Scale the push-ups as necessary. Continue after the push-ups with the next number for your Squats. Keep a record on a paper of where you are on Squats, or start over with ONE! When you get to 300 Squats mark your time. It will be x minutes and…

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AMRAP in 12:008 Stationary Inchworms12 Squats with weight16 Russian Twists with weight if possible *Scale the weights as needed. Use 2 different weights for the movements if you must. And I will be scaling the Russian Twists with my feet on the floor, or there will be a lot of rolling around on the floor…

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For time:20-15-10-5Chair DipsWeighted Step Back Lunges x2 *Scale the Dips as described in the video. Use legs to assist as little as possible, but enough to get down and back up again. Do twice the Lunges as Dips, or count both Lunges (R-L) as 1 rep. Step back so your knee is over your ankle…

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EMOM for 14:007 Jump Squats with or without weight5 Burpees*Try to make your work time about 30 seconds so you have 30 seconds to rest. Scale the weight if necessary, I did, as you will see in the demonstration video! Report your completion and what weight you used. We will do a live video workout…

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10 Rounds for quality:10 Hollow Rocks (hold 3-5 sec)10 Dead Bugs your modification10 Bird Dogs This is for everyone, but especially those that have lower back or hip pain. This is not a WOD for time, but for quality. This can be done every day to warm up or cool down. Make sure you keep…

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Hi folks! I have wods picked out for the next two weeks and even more if our quarantine lasts longer than that. I will post one today and schedule one to be posted everyday at 4-5 pm for the following day. We have demonstration videos to help you with the movements and scales or adjustments…

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