While I’m thinking about it, I thought I should warn you that the WOD for tomorrow is most likely going to be the WOD that is posted for Friday. The weather prediction is a 50% chance of rain now. Since we did Murph in weather that was only 20-30% chance of rain and lots of…

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Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend. The gym will be closed on Monday. In order to honor our service members and heroes we will do “Murph” on Tuesday. Even in this special WOD there are scales! Don’t freak out because it is too long. You can choose to do “1/4 Murph”, which is a normal sized…

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Let me remind you now that the gym will be closed on Memorial Day, Monday the 28th. Many gyms have a tradition of doing “Murph” every Memorial Day. Our tradition, if we do “Murph”, is to do it on Tuesday following Memorial Day. If the weather cooperates that will be the plan this year. As…

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Nearly Perfect CrossFit will be offering CrossFit Kids classes this summer in two sessions, one in June and one in July. There will be two options for kids. Age 3-6, we are thinking that 8:00 am Monday and Thursday will be the scheduled times. For kids age 7-12, the schedule should be 4:00 pm Monday,…

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I hope everyone has had a good weekend and whether you are a mother or not, have had a great day. At this moment I am thoroughly enjoying my gift from you! What gift did you give me? Why, for Mother’s Day you gave me the gift of NOT cleaning the gym. Thank you so…

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Open Gym is for those who have missed a WOD that they really wanted to do. Or for those who want to work on a particular skill. Or maybe for someone who wants to work on a movement that they want to improve, but want to put it into a workout. This Open Gym opportunity…

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