I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and used some restraint at the table. Paybacks in the gym are rough sometimes. MONDAY 11-27-17 ”Griff” 2 Rounds for time: Run 800 meters Run 400 meters, backward TUESDAY 11-28-17 Strength WOD: Power Clean then: For time: 50-40-30-20-10 KB Swings (53,35) Sit-ups WEDNESDAY 11-29-17 AMRAP in 15:00 Row…

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This is a short week because of the holidays. The gym will be closed on Thursday and Friday, but open again on Saturday for Open Gym. Just because we are not open everyday doesn’t mean you can’t still be active. There are always Turkey Runs and other oportunities to do active things after or before…

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We learned this week that running in the cold hurts your lungs. 150 Box Jumps hurts your knees and quads. 150 Wall Balls hurts your hips and glutes. What are we doing, on purpose, to cause this pain? Answer: we are disrupting the normal state of our bodies with some stress that makes our muscles…

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We have a couple of new things to offer at the gym. One you have seen in our new refrigerator. We have a selection of Fitaid – slightly carbonated vitamin water for $3. The other options are protein drinks, clear or milk based high protein, low carb drinks for $2. There will be a box…

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