Hello, everybody! Our Crossfit Kids Cert was incredible! Hope you’re all ready to be guinea pigs 🙂 MONDAY 2-1-16 Stength WOD: Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 Then 5 Rounds for time: 30 Mountain Climbers 6 Turkish Get-Ups (45,35) TUESDAY 2-2-16 AMRAP in 15 min: 2 Plank Circles 10 Handstand Push-ups 20 Walking Lunges WEDNESDAY 2-3-16 5 Rounds for…

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Many of you have figured out how to use the new scheduling plug-in on our website. I thank you  for signing up for classes. I am getting your e-mails letting me know you are coming. If you sign up for the whole week at one time you can click the dates and times for all…

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The registration for the Open Competition is live, which means, ready for you to sign up now! We are doing all of the wods anyway, so you might as well sign up and see where you rank! It’s a lot of fun. I just do what I can and try to do my best. When…

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Belle DelaCruz and Justin Albright graduated their On Ramp classes in December. They are ready to start the new year with you getting fit by being part of our family. Welcome!                

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Registration for the Open this year begins this week. As many as can, register and see how you compare with the rest of the world. We will be doing the wods anyway, so you might as well see how you rank. I hope to have several judges who can judge your workouts so they can…

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Happy New Year! We are not promoting the Burpee Challenge this year as we have done some years before. If this is something you would like to do, you are welcome to do it on your own. Do 1 Burpee Jan 1st, 2 Burpees on Jan 2, 3 Burpees on Jan 3, 4 Burpees on…

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