Thank you to those that signed up for the Festivus Games! I am supposed to have 10 competitors signed up by July 31st. I have 4 faithful clients that have made my day! It is not too late to sign up yet. The only problem is you missed the discounted price. The competition will be…

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WOD #1 8 Rounds for time: 6 Toes to Bar 3 Thrusters (155, 105) 100′ Sled Push (180, 120) rest 1 minute between rounds WOD #2 AMRAP in 11 minutes: 5 1-arm KB Power Snatch (53, 35) 5 Strict Pull-ups 5 Burpees WOD #3 EMOM in 15 minutes: 2 Power Cleans 10 Double Unders WOD…

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