Renee’s class, ready to run! 3-2-1-Go! I’m going to try to include more pictures of you all. Either ready to go, actively working out, or after working out. Look for your faces in the posts! MONDAY 4-28-14 5 Rounds for time: 10 Overhead Walking Lunge Steps (135, 95) barbell 15 Knees to Elbows TUESDAY 4-29-14…

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Thanks to everyone who humored me yesterday and played Easter Egg Hunt. It turned into a fun little workout with 6 people working together. It was fun enough to do twice if you didn’t have to hunt but once. I was ready for another group to come in and play again at 9:00. Only David…

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I’ve waited a little while to post these new graduate pictures. I haven’t waited as long as sometimes. They got done just in time for 100 Burpees! And they didn’t die!!! Aaron Wright – successful completer of 100 Burpees! Congratulations, Aaron! Amelia Popp – may come back when tennis season is over. Lilli Elfrink –…

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I told you to look for some proud finishers of the Burpee Challenge and here they are. Showing off their new shirts after finishing! Woo Hoo! I did it! Finished! And Finished Twice! Friends who sweat together! GREAT JOB, GUYS!!!!!

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This has been a week to remember! Leslie brought her baby into the gym for a visit. Amelia, snug in her pouch! Also, this week we finished the burpee challenge! If you want to see how proud folks are, check out the inspiration page! Also there, are pictures of the shower for Jenny and Leslie.…

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The shower for Leslie and Boyd Sievers’ baby, Amelia, and Jenny and Todd Shelton’s baby, not yet here, was a success! You gave them such nice gifts! Thanks to all who could make it in to wish both babies well and have a little fun while you were at it. Thanks to Barbie who made…

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Be ready for a shower on Saturday, April 12 at 2:00 pm! I’m not talking about the weather, this time. We are talking about showering Jenny and Leslie with our love and gifts for their baby girls! One is here, one not done yet. Our goal is for each one to feel blessed because they…

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