I had to wait a little while to post these pictures. Two of the pictures went somewhere in my phone that I couldn’t find. Sometimes technology has no better explanation than “magic”. I finally found everyone just before the next group graduates! Teresa Oehl Dixie Crites Chris Smiddy (goes by Smiddy) Boyd Sievers (Leslie’s husband)…

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We had a great anniversary party last night! Thank you to everyone who has joined our family and given us a reason to celebrate! We celebrated 3 years of a successful gym because of each of you. Now, back to work. Several of you asked to participate in a weight lifting training program. I talked…

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Dylan said he is ready for anyone that wants to start a weight training program now. You can contact him for details. This is something that can be done during your regular warm-up time. There’s no reason to have to come back for another hour. People that are doing the Burpee Challenge, DO NOT GET…

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We had pretty good class attendance despite all the snow days last week! I think some of us are a little tired of rowing and will be pleased to get outside and run again, when the arctic weather passes on through. Be sure to sign up for the anniversary dinner at Wings Etc. on Saturday,…

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I’ll be at the gym today at 8. Come if you can. I’ll also be there at 4. It may be better then, or it may not. We will see.

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Evening classes are cancelled for tonight Tuesday 2-4-14. I’ll let you know tomorrow about classes in the morning. I took an informal poll and the majority opinion was “not coming”.  Maybe this slush will be melted in the morning instead of one big sheet of ice! HA!

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There was a request for a short workout on Monday. This looks short, but not “easy”. Happy to accomodate! Enjoy! MONDAY 2-3-14 AMRAP in 12 minutes: 9 Front Squats (95, 65) 12 Knees to Elbows 18 Double Unders TUESDAY 2-4-14 For time: 15 Thrusters (135, 95) 21 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (135, 95) 12 Thrusters…

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