There are some dates to consider coming up soon. November 9th is a Zombie Mud Run. If you are interested in participating, let me know right away and we can sign up together. Another date is the very next weekend. This is the 5K in Jackson to support Scott Gibbs and the ALS Association. There…

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Is anyone interested in the 5K mud run, with Zombies, on November 9? Let me know and we can sign up as a team. There is another 5K on November 16 in Jackson that is a fund raiser for Scott Gibbs and the ALS Foundation. We need to show as much support for Barbie, who…

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Note the new warm-up moves this week. Sots Press and Snatch Balance we have done before, but they will be new to some. Introduced for the first time are GHR’s on the board.  These are done on the GHD’s. It feels like a dog is chewing on your hamstrings. Gotta make something stronger! Not written…

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I had lots of requests after our “core intensive week” to do it again. In order to not just repeat the week, we will do some of the same warm-ups and finish with some good stretches. The wods are also chances to improve core strength. MONDAY 10-7-13 6 Rounds for time: 400 meter Run 25…

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Julianna came in to say hi today, and introduced some of us to Montgomery. I’m so glad to see and hug both of them! Don’t they look great? And besides looking good see what Montgomery can do! Kettle Bell Stands! And Med Ball Sits! Look what a little pre-natal exercise can do!

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