I have some input coming next week for wods. One suggestion is from Lydia, I know you’ll love that one! And one will be from our new Chris Bradford, who had a birthday last week. He is taking some time to think about what he likes to do and I will put it into a birthday wod for him later. This week I had several suggestions for wods. All of the suggestions involved Running! I’m pretty sure all of the suggestions were also from the same person! But I listened! So we are starting out this week with running. It should be the coolest day of the week and the least chance of rain, so here goes!

MONDAY 10-3-16
For time:
"Mercato" 5K Run

TUESDAY 10-4-16
Strength WOD: Deadlift
warm up, then 1 set of 6+ reps
5 minutes Row for Calories
5 minutes Push Press for Reps (115,75)
no rest between the 5 minutes

For time: (20 minute cap)
50 Muscle-ups*
50 Pull-ups and 50 Transitions OR
50 Pull-ups and 50 Jumping Muscle-ups*
*Rings, Bar or combination of both

THURSDAY 10-6-16
"The Triplet"
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
Ring Dips
Burpees to a Plate (45,25)
Overhead Stationary (Forward) Lunges (45,25)
Rx: 55+ (25,15) Hand Release Push-ups for Ring Dips
Scaled: 30-44 (45,25) Hand Release Push-ups for Ring Dips
45-54 (25,15) HRPU for RD
55+ (15,10) HRPU for RD

FRIDAY 10-7-16
5 Rounds for time:
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 Handstand Push-ups
15 Goblet Squats (53,35)
20 Lateral KB Swings (53,35)

SATURDAY 10-8-16
Open Gym from 8 to 10
(for those who sign up)

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